Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Hard to believe 3 months have passed since I last posted here. Life seems to get a bit busy now and then, but I wouldn't change it. In December we had our first visit from a teacher with Parents as Teachers group, and were proud to hear that Addy is above her age level, she did some of her animal sounds, sorted shapes into the right place, and enjoyed playing with a magna-doodle while I was able to talk about our day-to-day routine and get some new ideas and information. One of our neighbors told us about this service the school district offers and I wanted it for more things to work on with Addy and helpful ideas. One of my resolutions is to start taking Addy to a play group at least once a week so she has more interaction with children her age.
We had a very nice holiday season and can't believe it has come and gone already. I worked Thanksgiving and the day after but was off for Christmas and New Years for the first time in several years. We had our "normal" 6 Christmas celebrations with family and it was so fun seeing Addyson's eyes light up and she quickly got the hang of tearing paper, pulling out tissue paper, and dancing around amongst her toys and clothes. We need to add on space just for her stuff! We are beyond blessed with great family and friends as I have said numerous times, but I realize not everyone has that and I am very grateful for them.
I was able to have time off of work and the day I was suppose to go back, I felt sick with the stomach flu, only come to find out I had appendicitis and ended up with a laproscopic appendectomy this weekend. I have been home resting and recuperating and since I'm not able to lift Addy for a couple weeks, we are very fortunate to have great help from our family and my brother staying with us until he goes back to college from winter break. Thank you guys so much!
Today Addyson is 18 months old and she is such a little fire-ball! It is so hard to believe how quickly time seems to pass and it is so much fun to see her mind and body in motion. It is amazing how fast toddlers learn and how quickly they pick up on things. Being a mom is no doubt the best job in the whole wide world I would say, even through those moments when they don't listen and you want to pull your hair out, it is all short-lived. We love our sweet girl so much and I am so lucky to be able to spend most of my time with her. She has her check-up next week but is around 23 pounds and about 30 inches tall. If you tell her to do something she will try her hardest to do it and waits for the clapping or a high five so she knows she did the right thing and if she doesn't quite know what you mean, she will hold her hands and wait for more instructions or help. She knows most of the family and will point to them when you ask "where is so and so", she continues to love bath time and baby dolls. I have been trying to get this to post a couple pictures and for some reason it is givng me problems so I will try again soon and hopefully I can blog a little more this year too!

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