Thursday, June 21, 2012

Summer Fun

Thought it was time for another update, as usual things have been busy for us. During the week on my days off Addy and I have been busy with lunch and dinner dates, some shopping, and keeping up with housework when able. Sometimes after Jared gets off work we go up to the Gardner pool, Addy loves it! We also play in the evenings outside and Addy's boyfriend Jordan comes over or we go over there a lot. They are so cute together! They were out of town a few days and last night the kids saw each other and both went in for a few smooches Jared said ( I missed it this time, but they do it a lot!) They have a love-hate relationship already, they are lovey dovey at first and then take each other's toys or Addy pulls his hair. It is definitely entertaining!

The beginning of June we went to the blueberry patch with my sister-in-law and niece and nephew. It was my first time going and we had a great time! After that we took the kids to Deanna Rose Farmstead and then we were all worn out and ready to go. My mom got us tickets to the Royals game and we went to that in the evening so it was a full day!

On June 8th, Addy turned 11 months old. This is so hard to believe, time has gone so quickly and her birthday is fast approaching! I have had fun planning her party and we went birthday shopping for her last Friday night after a dinner date at Ponak's while my mom watched Addy for us. We are so blessed to have an amazing daughter and love being her parents! She started crawling a few weeks ago, (we thought she would skip it altogether!) and is now very quick and pulls up to everything and has started getting brave and letting go at times with one or both hands. It's just a matter of time before she starts walking on her own. She is into everything so we have to watch out and have started using "No" a lot, and have gates up at the stairs. My mom taught her to hold her finger up to tell people she is one, so this is her new thing. Yesterday we were headed into a restaurant and a lady and her daughter were commenting on Addy and she held her finger up for them. She is a fast learner and loves to copy us with "fake coughing" and laughing. We are working on high fives now. She is on solid foods for the most part, and her favorites are: meat sticks, hot dogs, macaroni and cheese, rice, bananas, bread, and hashbrowns. I quit breastfeeding her last Friday, and finished pumping Tuesday night. I am pretty proud of myself for making it to almost a year, yet it is a relief not to have to worry about feedings and pumping. We started her on whole milk but have been mixing it with some breastmilk or formula for now.  She hasn't had a pacifier since January(her doing) and we offer a sippy cup in the day and bottle at night but plan to take the bottle away altogether soon. Her weight at home on June 14th was 17.8 pounds. We see the doctor in July for her 1 year check up. The only negative is Addy still doesn't sleep through the night so we are very tired all the time! She had been sleeping up to 8 hours until March when she really had a hard time teething and it has been rocky since. She usually takes 2-3 naps a day and that is getting better, they have gone from 20-30 minutes to an hour or more now. She has been getting up 3-4 times a night recently but last night she actually slept 7 hours straight, and then went back to sleep another 4 hours after a bottle so that was much better! She sleeps in her own crib until Jared gets up for work and then I'll let her snuggle with me if she wakes up.

We went to Greenfield last Saturday to see Jared's Grandma's and some of his Aunts, Uncles, and cousin Kelbey. We hadn't gone down since Christmas so it was WAY OVERDUE!! We had a great time as always. We had Father's Day lunch at our house this past weekend. I think Jared had a nice first Father's Day. Addy and I got him a card and a Royals Dad shirt. We enjoyed time with family and Addy was the center of attention, imagine that! We are both blessed to have awesome dad's and a fantastic grandpa as well!!

Yesterday Jared's dad came over and helped Jared build a spot of the deck so Addy could use her swing our friend Punkin in Louisiana had made for her and given us a few months ago. She loves to swing and enjoyed getting to use it!