Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Addy's 1st Birthday and other Fun updates

Wow has time gotten away! We have been enjoying summer time and trying to stay cool like everyone else. The last weekend of June we were busy busy, we went to my friend Kim's daughter Olivia's 1st birthday party at a park and had a lot of fun, then that afternoon we drove to Ark City, KS for the evening to a surprise baby shower for our friends Ellen and Bret. They are expecting their 2nd little girl soon and we enjoyed seeing them and their adorable daughter Chloe, along with their friends and family. We are so excited to meet their new addition! We came back home that same night because the next day Addy and I had another fun baby shower to go to for Kelly. It will be her and Brett's first baby, and we can not wait to meet Miss Hannah Jane soon too!! Congratulations to both couples, we love you guys!!
July started out busy as well Addy was sick for the first time with a fever, cough, and runny nose. Luckily the fever lasted 24 hours and then was gone, we had Addy's 1 year pictures, Sara's annual slip and slide party, and Addyson's First Birthday Party!! Addy is definitely loved so much and we enjoyed celebrating with our family and close friends. We had about 50 people at our house, it was monkey themed with neon green and pink. We had tape the tail on the monkey, a pinata, and good food. Of course the fun part was watching Addy dig into her cake and she definitely needed a bath after!! Thank you to my mom for all her help that weekend and also to my dad and Penny who watched Addy for awhile the day before so we could get stuff ready. We are so blessed with amazing family and friends!! Thank you guys!!  I can not believe how fast a year has gone and we are amazed every day at our sweet baby girl and so thankful to be her parents.

A few stats on Addy:

-She weighs 18 pounds 2 ounces
-She is almost 28 inches per the dr's tape measure (longer on ours)
-She waves hi and bye-bye a lot, knows how to roll it and throw it in a pan (for Patty Cake), honks the horn   on her pink and purple car when you tell her beep beep or to honk, is testing us by trying to stand up in her chair, throw her food, etc and we are trying to discipline her each time
-She had her last bottle Sunday Morning July 22nd
-she is babbling more and more, says mama, dada, nana, hey, hi, and even said "hi bully" one evening to our neighbor's dog after hearing us
-she can climb stairs and loves to walk around stuff but not walking on her own yet, she does stand and let go for a couple of quick seconds but then sits or grabs ahold of something
-still wakes up once or twice a night but we don't get her, she turns over, may whine a little and goes back to sleep
- had her one year check up, labs, and 4 shots 2 weeks ago :(

We took Addy to Melvern lake for the first time last weekend for 5 days. We rented 2 cabins, my mom, brother, and us 3 were in one and then my grandparents, aunt, and cousin in another. It was fun, we went boat riding, tubing, and I skied, we had biscuits on a stick and other great food, went and visited Uncle Jason at work and had lunch with him. Addy was not a happy camper about the life jacket, but fell asleep once we got moving. I had 3 weeks off work due to vacation time, a class, and Addy being sick so it was hard to go back this past weekend.

Of course I had to go to work last Friday night but early Friday morning Addy was up for 2.5 hours and started running a fever again, it lasted less than 24 hours though and with lots of cuddle time with mommy and daddy she is feeling better again. She did so good going almost a year without being sick and then bam, twice in 2 weeks. Then Sunday she got blister like sores on her feet and one lonely one on her hand so I am guessing it was hand, foot, and mouth disease. The only places we went last week were the grocery store and pool so not sure where she got it from. She is doing a lot better and the sores appear to be crusted over and healing so hopefully she will be done with sickness for a while, fingers crossed!

Our busy body has also mastered the stairs, well going up that is. She is getting so quick!!

Here are a few pictures of Addy playing in her ball pit at home, the lake, and a few from her birthday: